Friday, 7 February 2020

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installation laravel the php framework for web artisans. the next thing you should do after installing laravel is set your application key to a random string if you installed laravel via composer or the laravel installer this key has already been set for you by the php artisan key generate command typically this string should be 32 characters long the key can be set in the env environment file.

http requests laravel the php framework for web artisans. laravel allows you to keep input from one request during the next request this feature is particularly useful for re populating forms after detecting validation errors however if you are using laravel s included validation features it is unlikely you will need to manually use these methods as some of laravel s built in validation facilities will call them automatically. requests laravel doc. laravel doc docs requests http if you would like to obtain an instance of a psr 7 request instead of a laravel request you will first need to install a few libraries laravel uses the symfony http message bridge component to convert typical laravel requests and responses into psr 7 a. php create a laravel request object on the fly stack. create a laravel request object on the fly ask question asked 3 years i m on laravel 5 1 for this project php request laravel 5 1 share improve this question replace function doc if you are in controller then pass request object in paramter of the function like. validation laravel guide. laravel provides several different approaches to validate your application s incoming data by default laravel s base controller class uses a validatesrequests trait which provides a convenient method to validate incoming http request with a variety of powerful validation rules validation quickstart. laravel 5 create word document file using phpoffice. today i am going to share with you how to generate docx file using phpword in laravel 5 application after read this tutorial you can understand how to use phpword with laravel 5 laravel 5 1 laravel 5 2 laravel 5 3 laravel 5 4 and also upcoming laravel 5 5 version.

controllers laravel json api. the request class is the validated request in the cloudcreativity laraveljsonapi http requests namespace the searching searched reading and didread hooks are invoked when resource s are being accessed i e a get request the searching and searched hooks are invoked when reading any resources the index action while reading and didread are invoked when reading a specific record a. php laravel empty request stack overflow. i am trying to figure out working with xml rpc with laravel 5 4 i am using open httprequester for sending xml request to laravel it returns 200 ok status code but i am not able to process the request data i ve got the request routed to a controller with just one method testmethod with following content. lifecycle laravel doc. the router will dispatch the request to a route or controller as well as run any route specific middleware focus on service providers service providers are truly the key to bootstrapping a laravel application the application instance is created the service providers are registered and the request is handed to the bootstrapped application. requests laravel docs pt br. laravel also allows you to keep input from one request during the next request for example you may need to re populate a form after checking it for validation errors flashing input to the session.

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