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eloquent getting started laravel the php framework. the eloquent orm included with laravel provides a beautiful simple activerecord implementation for working with your database each database table has a corresponding model which is used to interact with that table models allow you to query for data in your tables. eloquent getting started laravel the php framework. the eloquent orm included with laravel provides a beautiful before getting started be sure to configure a database connection in config database php for more information on configuring your database check out the documentation defining models to get started let s create an eloquent model. eloquent relationships laravel doc. remember eloquent will automatically determine the proper foreign key column on the comment model by convention eloquent will take the snake case name of the owning model and suffix it with id so for this example eloquent will assume the foreign key on the comment model is post id. apis laravel json api. eloquent the config also contains a use eloquent option set this to true if the majority of your resources relate to eloquent models this option is used by the package s generators so that they know to generate eloquent json api classes or not this saves you having a. eloquent laravel 5. the eloquent orm included with laravel provides a beautiful simple activerecord implementation for working with your database each database table has a corresponding model which is used to interact with that table models allow you to query for data in your tables.
laravel queues doc passing an eloquent model stack. there is a statement i don t understand in queues chapter of laravel s 5 5 documentation it says if your queued job accepts an eloquent model in its constructor a. php get the last inserted id using laravel eloquent. thank you for this code snippet which may provide some immediate help a proper explanation would greatly improve its educational value by showing why this is a good solution to the problem and would make it more useful to future readers with similar but not identical questions please edit your answer to add explanation and give an indication of what limitations and assumptions apply. adapters laravel json api. eloquent adapters allow you to apply scopes to your api resources using laravel s global scopes feature when a scope is applied to an eloquent adapter any routes that return that api resource in the response content will have the scope applied. breaking money masters reveal all s poreans will earn big. adself made finance genius finally opened up to the public this will improve your life forever guaranteed.
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